Mice Affairs Media Group, News Bureau, 23 Jan 2022
Exhibition Think Tank is delighted to announce its new "Exhibition
Strategies & Innovations" mission, starting with a Think Tank on 3rd
February. With a series of events throughout February and March, it is a great
opportunity for every industry professional to share their insights, knowledge
and experiences to discover new exhibition strategies & innovations.
The online
sessions begin on 3 February with the Think Tank: “What has changed in the
strategy process in our industry” to explore what are the main components
needed to a successful strategy and how our industry can move forward and
innovate. A Panel Discussion: What needs to change in the Exhibition Strategy?
on the 15th February will give you great insights from 3 speakers and later in
February, we are delighted to offer a Workshop to work with the participants on
the strategy challenges raised in previous sessions and create the future in
this time of change where looking at strategy is crucial.
Register Here:
Register Here: